Fanning the flame

I had thoroughly intended to ignore the passing of the Olympic Torch through my home town.  Partly because I was expecting to be at a band practice, and partly because I’m supremely unfussed about the Olympics (and indeed most sporty stuff).  Add to that a general disgruntlement with the huge mental and ethical disconnect between the “spirit of the Olympics” and the rather more prosaic corporate sponsorship and money-hovering of the IOC/LOCOG and, well, it wasn’t really my thing.

Events, however, conspired against me.

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Thunderbirds are (nearly) go!

Well, it’s looking alarmingly like this whole running thing is going to actually happen.

Finally managed to get some shoes that fit, and no longer have house guests, so … tonight’s the night!   The conversion of slob to running fiend commences.

In theory I’ll be out three times a week following a set programme to develop from being a total couch potato up to an effortless 5k, so expect regular updates here to a) keep me honest and b) detail the inevitable hospitalisation of yours truly.

If I’m still alive tomorrow, I’ll report back …

Run, fat boy, run

Or “Oh my good golly gosh, am I really going to do this?”

Ha-ha Bonk!
Anyone reading this who actually knows me will, by the end of it, either be in stitches of laughter, or shaking their head saying “It’ll never happen”. Both quite reasonable reactions.  Hopefully only the first one will prevail, however.

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No Vision for Lent

Or, more accurately, no Television for Lent.

Despite being more or less aware of Lent over the years, I’ve never really gone in for the “giving something up” thing (or the “taking something up” either).  Partly because self-discipline is a foreign language, and partly because it always seems to be a bit of a token gesture.  I suppose one year I ought to try to give up swearing, but I suspect that battle has been lost long before the first shot is fired.

This year, however, the start of Lent coincided with one of my periodic urges to get things Sorted Out, Gosh Darn.  So for reasons various, complex, rational and just odd I (we, in fact, as it wasn’t going to work if it wasn’t a household thing) waved bye-bye to television.

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That Elusive Killer App

Although I still work in IT, I’m a long way out of the development game.  Which is a shame, because I’ve finally identified the killer app to make the author rich beyond his wildest dreams.  In this brave new world of social networking, where even your sister’s cat has its own Page on Facebook, and your nephew has a dozen MySpace pages for bands he’s been in.  Even though he’s only 13.  And none of them ever actually played a gig.  In this brave new world, where the incessant #np tweets from friends make you hate bands you used to love.  In this brave new world, where you follow people you’re interested in, only for them to endlessly re-post special interest stuff that anyone who’s actually interested in will already have seen.  In this crazy, information rich, content light brave new world, what we really, really, desperately needs is … the Proud Parent Filter.

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