Cowboys and Aliens

Got around to watching this last night whilst visiting the sister-in-law. Enjoyable hokum, totally implausible, but with a subtly bizarre Hollywood morality.

Racial, class, familial and personal harmony and enlightenment achieved through the obvious and not at all gung-ho medium of beating the living shit out of a common enemy.

Good guys (with or without a conveniently vanished past) either end up dead (bit players) or toughened, redeemed, but alone.

Bad guys and tossers get a free do-over and happy prosperity, courtesy of the healing powers of extreme violence.

A rather bizarre mash-up of the usual line.

C25K: Week 6

Well, still hanging in there.  In fact, just back from the first run of week 7.  Finished week 6 in “grim determination” mode, on the back of naff all sleep following a Street Pastors evening and a fairly full, hot Saturday but managed it with a nice, steady and decidedly slow pace.

Picked it up a bit this evening, which left me feeling quite bouncy, and Mrs Snags less so.  I’m chalking it up to revenge for a couple of weeks ago when the shoe was firmly on the other foot …

C25k: Week 5

Well, guck me fently, I’ve just jogged for 20 minutes without stopping.

OK, for fit people that’s nothing special. For me it’s more or less miraculous.

The pace/distance wasn’t great, but we actually did it without saying “Sod this, let’s go get some sweeties instead”. It would seem this plan thing actually has merit.

So, four more weeks to go, and as of now it all actually seems achievable, possibly for the first time since we started. The barrier between walk&run and just run has been broken. Golly. And indeed, gosh.

C25K: Week 4 ends

Late night, early morning.  Ugh.  Get up to a nice looking day.  Have a drink, let it settle, get changed to go out … downpour!  Thunder!  Gee, thanks.

Despite incurring nature’s wrath, we press on.  Alarmingly, Mrs Snags has found a previously untapped degree of bounce and energy, meaning that the first two sections of running are pushed somewhat harder than before.  End result we get our best times yet, and I even get below a 13 minute mile average (just) if Endomondo is to be believed.  I am, however, on my knees by the end of it, particularly as we cover enough distance to put a short, sharp slope right at the end of the session.  Tactical error.

Still, onwards and upwards to week 5.  Tuesday I’m looking forward to.  Thursday is achievable.  Next weekend … that I’m still far from convinced about, as it will be the first time we have to run continuously without brief walking breaks.


C25K: Week 3

Another one down, and feeling quite pleased. Had to do the final session after a weekend away, and still did it, ending feeling refreshed. Did get caught in a thunderstorm, and legs sore from nettles, but hey, we also got to see a beautiful double rainbow.

Not looking forward to Tuesday when it all steps up a gear though!